Friday, June 17, 2016

Been gone so long, I've been gone so long.

Hey folks, still hanging in there dropping the occasional coin on the table. A lot of water under the bridge since I last posted. I've been more and less active in collecting and selling the odd coin to support my collecting habit. Then a few years ago I opened a shop up with a friend. Mostly to buy scrap gold when prices were climbing out of sight. Did OK for a while until the market tumbled.

A side effect of buying gold is buying coins. If you read my older posts you know I'm mostly a collector of ancient coins. Well now I've had to learn about US and foreign coins and a bit about currency as well. I started taking the excess to a local club's bourse (that is, coin show) to sell them. After a bit a friend from a local coin club started joining me and selling coins and supplies too.

Things just spiraled up for a bit from there. The shop closed when prices fell and I moved into some inexpensive office space. I ramped up the shows until we were doing 3-4 a month. Not really sustainable while working full time. I've cut back to only 1 and sometimes 2 a month now. That leaves me enough time for some of my other hobbies (more on that later) while still allowing me to indulge my coiny side.

Here is a pic of one of the other things I'm doing now. Again, more on this later.

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